Context-Aware Computing at the Museum and Beyond

Studies in a Smart Museum Environment
Professor Joel Lanir
DFP Classroom: FSC 2300

Context aware systems and applications have become common in our daily lives. These programs and services react to the environment and adapt their behavior to anticipate users’ needs.  In order to understand the user’s context, different sensors placed in the environment, the user’s devices or on the users themselves are used, creating a ubiquitous computing environment. The museum is a perfect place to explore context-awareness as visitors are mobile, wishing to accept information about their surroundings, and are willing to experiment with novel technologies. In this talk, I will outline several studies that we conducted in a smart museum environment (and beyond) that examine various context-aware issues.

Event directions

Once you are inside the Forestry Science building walk to the rear (south-east) of the building by passing through the large open study area and up the stairs to the 2nd level student (“treetop”) lounge area. Turn left, pass through the double doors, and room 2300 will be immediately to your right.

See a map