Helge Rhodin is an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia, associated with the computer vision and graphics labs. He was a lecturer at EPFL and continues collaborations with neuroscientists at UBC and EPFL. His research interests range from computer graphics and augmented reality, over 3D computer vision, to machine learning. Helge received the BSc and MSc degrees in Computer science from Saarland University. He graduated with a Ph.D. in 2016, with his thesis on Motion Capture for Interactive Virtual Worlds, mentored by Christian Theobalt and Hans-Peter Seidel at the Max-Planck Institute for Informatics.

Research Interests
My research interests range from 3D computer vision, over machine learning, to computer graphics and augmented reality. With the aim of enabling tight and rich, yet natural and non-intrusive computer-human interaction, I advance 3D vision algorithms to yield high-quality dynamic reconstructions of our everyday environment from plain video input. The latest VR and AR devices offer incredible display capabilities; my 3D vision projects complement them to aid mutual human-computer interaction in our everyday life.