This is the headshot of Dr. Mark Gilbert.

Mark Gilbert

DFP Role: Member
Associate Professor, Population & Public Health

Mark Gilbert received his MD from the University of Ottawa in 2000, a master’s in health sciences and fellowship in community medicine from UBC in 2005.

Dr. Gilbert has worked as a field epidemiologist with PHAC, a Medical Health Officer in Vancouver Island Health Authority, and led provincial STI and HIV surveillance systems in both BC and Ontario.

Mark is the BCCDC Clinical Prevention Services Medical Director, which is focused on the delivery of health promotion, harm reduction, prevention and treatment services related to tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, HIV, hepatitis B and C, mental health and substance use.

Mark’s research interests include:

  • Development, implementation, evaluation and scale-up of innovative sexual health programs, such as online services including
  • Gay men’s sexual health, including sexual health literacy.
  • Using integrated data sources to better describe the synergistic an integrated dynamics of infectious diseases, mental illness and other condition