Towards More Expressive, Easy-to-learn Mobile Interaction in a Multi-device Ecosystem

Jessalyn Alvina (Sally)
DFP Classroom: FSC 2300

Today’s smartphones offer a wide variety of functionalities, co-opting many of the complex tasks once performed solely at desktop PCs. Given the growing functionality space and a limited screen size, how do we build mobile interactions that are both easy to learn and more powerful? One approach is by increasing the granularity of gesture input interpretation to express different types of output. We designed and evaluated interaction techniques that enable users to invoke commands from a large functionality space, enrich communication, and facilitate appropriation in different context of use. We focus on minimizing the learning effort and towards supporting cross-platform usage in a multi-device ecosystem.

Event directions

Once you are inside the Forestry Science building walk to the rear (south-east) of the building by passing through the large open study area and up the stairs to the 2nd level student (“treetop”) lounge area. Turn left, pass through the double doors, and room 2300 will be immediately to your right.

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