DFP Requirements Checklist C7
DFP Requirements Checklist C7
Conscientious Design
How can designers create less waste? Pictured is a sample of zippered wood from Blair Satterfield's talk "Loss is More", which focused on the designer's moral obligation to use recycled material.
DFP@UBC Seminar Series
Once a month, DFP invites experts in the field to give talks on the intersection of humans and technology. The series is held in our DFP classroom and includes a catered lunch and engaging discussion.
DFP Design Showcase 2018
The first DFP Design Showcase occurred on Wednesday June 20th, 2018. Highlights included the design projects from the DFP project course 554K (Students and Industry partners).
DFP Trainee Projects
DFP trainees are doing important work both in their labs and outside the university. Their broad range of projects use design principles to create tools for a variety of user groups.